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"In courtyard" canvas, oil 60е40
"November"    canvas, oil 26,5е34
"Zavodќ"    canvas, oil 50е40       
"Growing a pond"    canvas, oil 60е40
" Winter wood"    canvas, oil 50е100
"In the winter in a wood"    canvas, oil 40е60
"Summer day"    canvas, oil 55е80
"On boondocks"    canvas, oil 50е70
"On river"    canvas, oil 55е80
"River"    canvas, oil 55е85
"Native places"    canvas, oil 70е100
"In a birchwood" canvas, oil 60е90
"Sunny day"    canvas, oil 55е80
"Fog" canvas, oil 60е90
"At the river"    canvas, oil 55е80
"Autumn"    canvas, oil 60е90
"Mellow autumn"    canvas, oil 50е70
"Spring etude" canvas, oil 50е50
"Poplars" canvas, oil 70е50
"Everning"    canvas, oil 50е70
"Grows dark"    canvas, oil 50е70
"In the everning on river"    canvas, oil 55е80
"Kind from a grove"    canvas, oil 50е70
"Rising"    canvas, oil 50е70
"In the afternoon on river"    canvas, oil 50е70
"Behind city" canvas, oil 60е90
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